DeFi Kingdoms

Ilja Kunicyn
2 min readJan 22, 2022


This report focuses on my tutorial on DefiKingdoms. The tutorial is meant to introduce a project that I have explored and to encourage the reader to try it out. I have selected DefiKingdoms because it is a remarkable project that I haven’t come across before in the crypto industry. Not only is it technically smooth and well functioning, it is also the closest I have seen a project come to be attractive for casual users. It is through projects like DefiKingdom that cryptocurrency could achieve true mainstream adoption.


Before I began I had to decide on a format for the tutorial. At first I was leaning towards a youtube video as I thought it would be more comprehensible. Unfortunately I was unable to obtain good quality of video. My older laptop couldn’t produce high enough resolution and framerate for the recording to be presentable. Therefore I ended up making a presentation with screenshots and commentary, which I believe also turned out to be fairly comprehensible although unfortunately perhaps more boring.

In my tutorial I focus on the key features of DefiKingdoms — the DEX and the gameplay. I show in moderate depth how the user can utilize the built in swap, provide liquidity and stake the native token JEWEL for rewards. Furthermore I introduce the key elements of the Play2Earn gameplay. In the presentation I show how the user can obtain in game NFTs, how he can utilize them for further gain, how he can trade them, upgrade them and create new ones.

I decided not to include complicated mathematics behind the gameplay and DeFi in the presentation as I believe it may discourage people from trying DefiKingdoms out. Instead I attached official sources where the reader can find much more in-depth information if he becomes interested. The tutorial is focused on presenting important elements and features in general with instructions for potentially less experienced users.

I have concluded the presentation by briefly describing future prospects of the game and attaching the official Roadmap and other interesting sources of information as well as official social media links of DefiKingdoms.


I am not very technically gifted and have very little experience with programming. My interest in blockchain at first stemmed from a predominately economic standpoint. I have quickly noticed that crypto is not yet at the stage where mainstream adoption is possible, because it is not user friendly and doesn’t connect to a casual person.

My project therefore aims to encourage interest in blockchain of similar demographic as myself. DefiKindoms succesfully builds a bridge between the amazing technology of the blockchain and user friendly experience within a fun gaming project. I hope that I am able to inspire the reader to try DefiKingdoms for themselves.

